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De l'aide pour IN-SANE

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De l'aide pour IN-SANE Empty De l'aide pour IN-SANE

Message  Rémy Mar 12 Jan - 19:29


n'étant pas sur Bordeaux à cette période, je me retourne vers vous pour savoir qui serait prêt à filer un coup de main au groupe slovène.
Voilà le mail que je viens de recevoir :

Hello Remy!
remember me! I was writing you last year about a show for IN-SANE... well we are touring again and we really need some help with the dates we have last week of our tour. we'd really love to come to bordeaux and i thought mybe you could help us out with a show on the 14th or 15th of february over there.
we are asking for some warm vegan food (4 people), some drinks a place to sleep over and around 100e for gas money (obviously we can talk about the money thing, doordeals are great for us as well).
we carry our complete backline and will share it with other bands playing,
please help us out, we really want to play in bordeaux, we would be really really greatful,
Máteja and IN-SANE

Messages : 303
Date d'inscription : 25/11/2008
Age : 42
Localisation : Bordeaux City

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